Monday, October 12, 2009

With One PCP Month Down, Reflections On Some . . .

Mouth ulcers. Ouch. They're gone now, but wow. Maybe I was eating a lot of acidic food? Or maybe I was just stressed . . .

I've burned myself cooking an exorbitant number of times. Stupid things like using an oven mitt to pull a pan out of the oven and then one minute later trying to move the pan around with my bare hands. Doh.

I totally pulled a muscle in my back doing pull-ups. It's all better now. I suppose this probably shouldn't be considered "unexpected," but I sort of felt like a bad ass . . . whatwith my athletic injury and all.

Two of my favorite dresses are already too big. One just makes me look like a clothes hanger, and the other is wearable. I'm not sure how I feel about this. On the one hand, yayuh! Go muscles! On the other hand, am I going to disappear? Also, I really like those dresses, and I do not really like shopping.

I feel so much stronger in my ginga (capoeira's most basic movement.) Just try to knock me over,  y'all! (Okay, don't really.)

I finally had a jumprope breakthrough last week. No more tripping every few jumps, and I even started doing tricks with more serious aspirations . . . which raises the fun level by approximately a gajillion points.

What was once a very special treat (fish for dinner!) is no longer special, and what I used to take for granted (oil and salt!) is now very special indeed.

I'm finding new ways to hang out with friends that don't involve eating and drinking. Like renting bikes, navigating a corn maze, or lounging at the Jazz Age Lawn Party, where my cousin, Erin, won the pie-baking contest. See?

My relationship with food is changing. I appreciate what I'm eating so much more, though I still eat really fast. The rare times when I can't weigh my food, I can guess on portion size, and I don't eat till I'm stuffed.

I've realized that for the remaining two months I'm going to have to cut back on capoeira so that I can preserve my sanity (and that of my household.) Instead of going at least four times a week, I'll probably keep it to two and use that free time for things like cooking, sleeping, and actually seeing my friends.

I'm embracing the suck with gusto. Like in the swimming class Pacato and I just started.
Mostly, I just wanted to post this photo because it makes me laugh.

Newsflash: I'm human! Perhaps the hardest lesson to learn of all.

On day 28, I am thankful to PCP for...
1. Making Monday the most exciting day of the week (no strength exercises! the new diet plan! new workout regimens!)
2. How easy it is to get dressed in the morning...especially when I'm running late. I no longer have to wonder if something is going to fit before I put it on.
3. The tiny six-pack that is my only workout motivation some mornings.
4. More energy. Way more energy. If I'm tired, I know it's because I need more sleep, not because I'm on a sugar crash.
5. Helping me slow down. The only way I'm going to survive the next 60 days is by allowing myself free time to relax . . . and accomodating for an earlier bedtime schedule.

1. Eat slower
2. Find some good jumping music
3. Learn some bangin' new tricks, like these:

4. Finally start working on that handstand?


  1. Oh! And also thanks to Patrick for being a totally great cheerleader, fountain of knowledge, athletic coach, sounding board, and all-around cool dude.

  2. Aw shucks.

    Don't sweat the capoeira cutback, you'll come back stronger than ever, and actually make progress faster than you would just plowing through. Pop a handstand every day if possible, it's a matter of consistency and simply getting used to having your center of mass in a different place than you experience in your daily life. The next 60 days are going to be awesome!

  3. I feel so strong! It's awesome. A couple of weeks ago, I tried the exercises in your video, and it definitely helped...then I got so far from the wall and started to worry. But you're right...I should just do it every day at the house, and I think if I get P to spot me, just so I know I have a person and the wall there if I need them, I can learn to fall.

  4. I got a mouth ulcer a few days ago too, I think it's because I ate an apple late at night.

    I used to get mouth ulcers if I drank white wine late at night without eating. So I think you're right, you probably ate something quite acidic.

    Or if we're both been a bit sneezy, maybe the ulcers were the onset of our colds(?)

    Your Jazz Age Party looks like fun!

  5. You are a total bad ass -- good luck with those handstands! I had my doubts about ever getting away from the wall, but PCP is making me rethink that uncertainty.

    Patrick is so right about taking a break with capoeira. I've seen it in my yoga practice -- less stress on your body, and greater evidence of growth when you get back to it. You'll be surprised!
