Saturday, October 24, 2009

It's Peanut Butter and Jelly Time!

Okay, not for real, BUT the delicious-looking cranberry-orange relish recipe E posted the other day made me think back to a recipe I remember seeing on PCP alum Shelby's blog . . . jam! I love jam, especially preserves. In fact, a peanut butter and jelly sandwich is hands-down my favorite meal.

Perhaps making jam would pick me up? I've been a little down this week—I haven't felt 100%. My poor digestive system is all out of whack. At first, I thought it might be the eggs, but I have a sneaking suspicion it is more related to my dried fruit addiction. I thought I was over the dried papaya spears . . . but then I moved on to apricots.  At any rate, the jam worked.


That's pluot jam, made in the food processor with one pluot and 2 dates. It was enough for four pieces of toast (I shared.) I liked it so much, I may just keep making my own jam for life. (Incidentally, Shelby's blog has lots of interesting, simple meal ideas and fun tricks, like homemade PCP Doritos. Plus, it's just fun to read.)

It's where I also found the online stopwatch.

I needed a break from counting to 1400, so yesterday I timed my jumps, and today, I broke them down into consecutive 5-minute sets. 

And now it's time for my first capoeira class since Tuesday . . . eep!

TTFN . . .


  1. Cool, love the clock.

    I am convinced that Denise and I have a very different counting clock when it comes to planks. Somehow, my counting gets faster toward the end. Looks like laptop will be going outside with us.

    I saw cranberries in the grocery store yesterday. Wanted the big 3 lb. bag, but... will wait until we are back from our trip. Can't wait to try E's relish and sneaking over to look at Shelby's blog again this coming week. I do remember some awesome recipe ideas there. Thanks for the reminder!

    p.s. - lived off PB&J through grad school, never got tired of it. Love it. Keep it up, Bad Ass!

  2. Thanks, Jonti!

    Haha, I have a sneaking suspicion my plank clock would be running as fast as yours if I didn't use a stopwatch.

    I lived off PB&J through college too...cannot get enough.

    Have fun this weekend. Can't wait to hear all about it!
