Sunday, November 1, 2009

And then there were five...

Wow, is it really just us left? Way to go, Heather and Melanie!

A job well done to everybody who finished this past week! I have to admit, though, I was a little jealous this morning when I got up. I was soooo not feeling my workout. But owing to the fact that glorious timed jumps start tomorrow—woot!—I hammered out my last 1500, and by the time Pretty Ricky came on the mix, I was pistol squatting like a champ. Well, not exactly like a champ. I have a feeling I am doing this exercise all wrong, as it is never particularly hard. Annoying, yes.

I did the rest of my workout while I listened to this episode of This American Life called Living Without. It sort of reminded me of our 3-month endeavor here, especially the prologue.

Then I did the New York City Marathon.

Mile 8

I didn't actually run it. But I cheered my cousin (and lots of other runners) on throughout the course. It's funny the things that come out of your mouth when you're trying to sound motivational to people you don't know. Yeah, Bob! Way to go, Angela! Woohoo! Lookin' good, Pete! You can do it, Barbara! Almost there! (I'm not sure if this one is actually helpful when you've run 23 miles, and you still have 3 miles to go.)

At any rate, by the time I got home, I felt like I had run the marathon. And then I opened my e-mail to discover [sound the bugles!] an INDULGENCE. More to come . . .

P.S. Lookin' good, ladies! Keep it up! More than halfway there! Woohoo!


  1. Thanks for the TAL link! One of my favorite NPR shows -- I'll be listening to that later today.

    If you guys haven't already, also check out their recent stories on US health care/insurance (More is Less and Someone Else's Money) -- most eye opening.

    Woohoo is right -- here we go, on to week 8!

  2. Oh my gosh, I just listened to those health care episodes! They really are fascinating.

  3. One thing that may change how the pistol squat feels is relying on the chair a little less. I found that I was leaning on the chair quite a bit to get back up from the squat position. Relax that a bit, and the squat becomes a little tougher.

    You're doing fantastic!
