Wednesday, September 16, 2009

I think we can all agree...

...that half the oatmeal I would normally eat is quite a sad sight.

Don't worry, sad oatmeal. I'm going to add some plums.

My beau and I have a weekly farm share, so all that's in our fridge right now is vegetables, fruit, grains, beans, and eggs. I've a feeling this selection isn't so far off from what I'll be eating exclusively for the next 90 days. Part of me is like, maybe I should just go buck wild this week and eat fried Oreos for every meal! (But you know...just half of them.) I am going to a wedding this weekend. I can imagine half the wedding cake, but half the champagne? That might be tricky. That stuff sneaks up on you...

In exercise news, I find immense pleasure in getting up, jumping rope, doing some strength exercises, and not feeling guilty that I didn't go to the gym to run a few miles. Although I learned an important lesson about jumping rope: do NOT drink water between sets....


  1. I second that, Emily. This morning's sorry half banana and half yogurt totally commiserate with your sad, sad oatmeal!

  2. I'm on a mission to stop people from running unless police or dogs (or a combination of the two) are involved. It damages people's legs in so many ways, and then they come to me all messed up.

    Jumpropes will set you free!

  3. Hi Emily,

    Love that you posted a picture of what I was thinking. I am sure the oatmeal was happy to have the company of the plums.

    We did co-op shares of food in the past, but found it difficult to incorporate everything or meet their pickup schedule. I just commented the other night how I would like to return to that type of buying if it works for us. Right now, we settle for a local Farmer's Market (not convinced it is always local) and healthy stores. Awesome!

  4. Welcome to PCP, Emily!

    I've done the Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) in the past, and have been ritually visiting the farmer's markets every Tuesday and Saturday. You'll go through a lot of vegetables!
