Thursday, September 24, 2009

Have You Seen This Guy?

Y'all, I'm a little overwhelmed. The getting up early to exercise. The making breakfast and lunch before work. The trying not to be late for work. The eight hours of work. The squeezing in a volunteer commitment. The fretting over when I'm going to clean the house. The two hours of capoeira. The making a GINORMOUS dinner at 10 pm. The crawling right into bed so I can get up early again the next day...

Seriously, I have total respect for those of you with kids. In fact, the only thing that kept me going during my exercises yesterday morning was this guy:

Have you seen this guy?

Forget G.I. Jane. I want to have THAT kind of balance.

But what's the point of sculpting yourself into a buff and crazy-acrobatic TOTAL BAD ASS if you don't have time to nurture your other relationships? It's lonely on the Peak.

How do I give PCP my full effort, still be present in the rest of my life—my beau, my friendships, work, my capoeira community—and even find some space for myself?

Multi-tasking is not my strong point, so I'd love some suggestions. How do YOU find balance?


  1. Hey Pingo,
    You're kind of taking on a huge life change in the middle of what I remember to be one of the most exhausting weeks of my year last year--cut yourself some slack! I think for right now just focus on what's right in front of you--just like in your first paragraph above--and come Sunday things will feel a lot different. Capoeira madness will be over, you'll be more in a groove with the breakfast/lunch/workouts in the morning, and you'll feel like you have more time.

    I used to do the breakfast/lunch/workout/work routine every day and it does get a lot easier. After a while you feel unnatural not doing it. So that will get better. And you know capoeira will slow down. And the people who love you will still love you next week and the week after!

    Meanwhile, thank you for doing this blog--I am loving reading it and following your progress with great interest. I am decidedly *not* in peak condition post-Linus so I'm completely living vicariously through you, I'm not ashamed to admit it. (As for how I'm going to balance all this stuff post-Linus--uh....I'll have to get back to you! I think it's all about efficiency. And no sleep. Ugh.)

  2. Love the video. Yes, THAT is amazing. Incredible balance and control. But, you know? I think GI Jane could take him. Two different styles. Yeah, she would totally take him!

    We are trying to find our groove as well. Denise and I even carpooled this morning and we were a bit late to work. Totally put us in a less than stellar mood. Mainly, because we hate doing ANYTHING at less than what we are capable. Kind of like some of the stress of PCP. It's hard to do all the things correct and at 100% right away. But, I think we will get the hang of it.

    I remember the first day of jumpropes. I wheezed and faltered every twenty or so. Now, 600. If my knee cooperates, meh. I can do it. I don't think it will get easy, but I do think we will find our routines and how to juggle this new part of our life. I am totally looking forward to the weekend to reorganize my fridge, food storage and containers, and shopping list. I am looking for ways to streamline and organize because I do love how this is making my body feel!

  3. Now that was impressive! I'm all fired up for getting into arm balances, and then I see that dude. Wowza!

    It's what I love about taking higher level yoga classes, where I'm humbled on a regular basis. There's no finish line, there's always further you can go, and there's always someone who can rock it better than you. Just like life. So you show up, you breathe through it, be kind to yourself, and do the best that you can.
    As for timesaving suggests, here are some things I've been doing:

    Hardboiling or scrambling eggs in advance so breakfast protein is covered.

    Making extra fish and veggie portions at dinner to use for the next day breakfast/lunches.

    Pre-measuring chopped veggie salads and fruit if I have extra time making a meal. Hope it helps!
    Just know (believe and keep saying to yourself) that you can do it, Emily!!

  4. Wow, thanks, y'all! Your words of encouragement were sorely needed.

    Kiwi—True. You're right. Next week won't be nearly so hectic. (Sigh of relief.) Thank you so much for reading and for taking the time to comment (and for the video.)

    P.S. You're the hottest mama I know, so even if you don't feel in peak condition, you look great...and I know you'll feel as strong and fit as ever soon!

    Jonti—You make a good point. We can't expect to do EVERYTHING perfectly the first time (or maybe even ever?) Thank is important to remember that. And no kidding...I don't know about you, but I have had so much energy this week!

    Shelley—Your yoga analogy definitely put things in perspective. Thank you for the time-saving tips! Are you just keeping the fish in the fridge, or do you freeze it?

  5. This week really is the hardest it will ever be. You'll find tricks and habits that help you shave off a minute here or there, and soon enough you'll feel in control again.

  6. I'll keep the cooked fish in the fridge a day or so.

    I'm also making batches of brown rice or other grains in advance, so I've got carb options when I'm short on time.

    When I buy melon or strawberries, I'll clean and cut them right away so I don't have to worry about that at snack time. Just weigh and go!
    I'm curious to know everyone's time saving tips now!

  7. Hey it all comes down to prep. I think it is good to feel a little out of control. When I did PCP, I gained so much from not being in control and then learning to adapt. That is how we get better.

  8. Wow your video is amazing! He's amazing!

  9. Pingo! Here's that fish cooking method I like. Not sure if carrots and potatoes fit into the PCP regimine, but you can basically sneak anything into the packet and it will be yum-city if you herb if up nice.

    Go! Go! Go! You are so tough!


  10. Thanks, B! I just bought some kitchen twine...ooh...and we're getting carrots in our CSA Thursday...yum yum yum!
