Friday, September 18, 2009

Day 4, Hit the Floor

Today I experienced my first, "Oh man! Do I really have to do these exercises??" as evidenced by the fact that I kept tripping up on my jump rope. By the middle of set two of my lunges, I got into a zone. (Incidentally, lunges are my least favorite—I think because I struggled with balance a lot at first.)

As I did my bad-ass pushups, it dawned on me—THIS is what I signed up for. 90 days...well, 84* more days...of straight-up physical challenge. Up to now, I haven't struggled with the exercises. I train capoeira at least three times a week, and I'm using those same muscles in the PCP exercises. But the brain. The BRAIN is what needs the training.

Yesterday was just sort of a tough emotional day anyway. I think today's resistance was carryover. But I read my fellow PCPers' blogs, and realized, clearly this is why we blog. I came here alone, but I'm not going to leave by myself.

Thanks also to the veteran PCPers who are reading and have dropped in to say hello. It's nice to know you're out there!



  1. We've got your back, G.I. Emily Jane!

    Pushups are the most challenging for me, so I'll be looking to your blog for more bad-ass inspiration!

  2. Push-ups will get better very quickly. Unfortunately that just means we'll make them harder.

  3. Hi Emily,

    Denise and I were talking about this yesterday. We get to talk about things and work out a lot of it together. I am seriously sure this would require so much more commitment on my own.

    Love that you approach the exercises with thoughtfulness and then check in with the blog to see how we are all approaching. It does great for me to read what everyone is feeling, thinking and doing! Brain food?
